National Park "Vatarrka" and Kings Canyon
   Photo: National Park "Vatarrka" and Kings Canyon

At 323 km south-west of Alice Springs is the National Park "Vatarrka", which includes one of the main tourist attractions of Central Australia - Kings Canyon. Canyon cliffs soar up to 300 meters and along its bottom flows a small river Kings Creek. In one part of the gorge is forbidden access to tourists - it is a sacred Aboriginal tribe "luritya", which for thousands of years were the only inhabitants of these places. And today in the famous "Red Centre" travel thousands of tourists to admire the amazing mountain scenery of the park. They do not stop even extreme temperatures, typical of this desert region - often in the summer the air warms up to + 40 ° C. You can get here by road, Stuart Highway, leading from Alice Springs.

In the park you can see several species of desert plants, most of which grow around the mountain lake "Garden of Eden". Here exotic birds - ground dove, finch-Zera, medosos, herbal and black buzzard wren.

As usual in national parks, "Vatarrke" laid a lot of hiking trails, designed for different levels of training tourists. Beginners should go for a walk along the Royal Kings Canyon along the river of the same name Creek trail, which will lead to the viewing platform - with its stunning views of the cliffs overhanging the river. Bole suitable for experienced 7-kilometer Circuit Way, Canyon and surrounding leading to its top. To overcome this route takes about 5 hours. Well, like most experienced 22-kilometer trail Giles-track leading through the canyon to the town of Kathleen Springs. In the tourist center of «The Kings Canyon Resort» You can also order a helicopter tour, a ride on a camel or ATV.

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