Upper Tower
   Photos: Top Tower

The upper tower stands on the outskirts of Aarau and is considered its main attraction. In it reaches a height of 62 meters and consists of 10 floors, the lower two of which are underground and have been equipped much later, after in 1820 was covered city moat.

When it was built, it still did not manage to find out, but it is assumed that this happened simultaneously with the appearance of the city in the middle of the XIII century. The original height of the tower was much less than the size of today's, according to historians, during the XV-XVI centuries it was layered, and later on it appeared the tin wreath. In 1531, the tower clock was installed and we can say, from 1580 the structure does not change its shape, except for the fact that in 1753 the belfry tower was chipped copper plates.

Directly at the Tower are the city gates, the first written mention of which relates to 1359. They have not changed from the time of construction, only in 1928 was the decision by the city authorities to expand the number of the aisle to pass through it could motorized transport.

Externally the tower is as it were of two parts - a wider bottom and a narrow top. The lower five floors of the tower served as a prison in the old days, in the ninth is clockwork. In the tenth, up until 1876 there is an apartment tower watchman, and is arranged in the attic of the bell tower of 11 bells. Directly under the ceiling hung two bells, cast in the XIV-XV centuries.   I can complement the description