Khortytsya Island
   Photo: The Island Khortytsya

Khortytsya Island is the largest island in Ukraine and is located in the middle of the city of Zaporozhye. For a long time Khortytsya was a natural fortress and reliably protect the tribes settled on it. Traces of ancient settlers on the island left plenty: it's mounds and stone sculptures from the Scythian times, which is a complex "Ckifsky the camp." Also on the island there is a pagan sanctuary.

In the 16th century on the island of Khortytsya Zaporozhye Sech it was founded, which was a fortified camp of the Ukrainian Cossacks, and subsequently also became the center of the Cossack state.

In 1965 there was established the State and later National Historical and Cultural Reserve. To date, it has developed into the largest museum complex. Khortytsya Island will impress everyone with its picturesque granite cliffs and beaches. He's just different dotted with lakes and gorges. Khortytsya surrounded by a large number of large and small islands and rocks, which are included in the reserve.

In 2011, on the Dnieper River near the island of Khortytsya we found an old Russian sword Carolingian type that approximately dates back to the 10th century. Much earlier, when the Dnieper hydropower plant was built in the early 20th century, it was made similar findings in the form of 5 ancient swords Carolingian type, but during the war they all disappeared.

The island often visited by prominent people. On one of the slopes of the island there is a trail Shevchenko, it acquired its name after it visited the poet. In 1878 there was a famous composer Lysenko NV spring of 1880, visited the island of IE Repin, while he worked on sketches that were later used in the movie "The Cossacks." Also here I have, and Maxim Gorky.

At the moment, on the island of Khortytsya it operates many environmental, religious and socio-cultural organizations.

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