Great Market Square
   Photo: Great Market Square

Great Market Square - the heart and soul of the Polish town of Zamosc, one of the most beautiful European squares 16th century. The area in the form of 100 square meters per 100 intersects with the main street. It is on this area are carried out all the major events of the city, walking is a lot of tourists and townspeople.

Of particular interest are the historical buildings located in the large market. It houses a vaulted gallery, which lived most famous citizens: the court, the professor, rich merchants. In the northern part of the square are the so-called "Armenian House", named in honor of the Armenians who settled in the city soon after it was founded. Five buildings in the baroque to the right of the town hall, decorated with bas-reliefs and friezes were built in the mid 17th century. The buildings belonged to different owners, and after World War II, the house passed to the state. Of particular interest to tourists cause Link House, decorated with statues of different characters of Greek mythology, and the House Morandovskih with refined portals.

Today the building is full of cultural sites: City Museum, the Museum of roads and bridges, modern photo galleries. Here are the city's main shops: books, souvenirs, clothing stores. In the summer, a large market - this is the gastronomic center of the city with plenty of outdoor cafes and restaurants. The area is completely closed to vehicular traffic.

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