Showroom "Gergiev"
   Photo: Exhibition Hall "Gergiev"

Showroom "Gergiev" is located in the street Yuryevets Tarkovsky. He works since 2004. Now he is in the building of the city administration on the ground floor.

For the first time the art gallery in the city was opened August 13, 1977 in the belfry of the cathedral entrance Jerusalem. In the creation of its department of culture attended the district, activists of the local branch VOOPIK, museum and Yurievets historians. Public elected director of the original artist and poet Ivan G. Urueva. But soon the art gallery had to close because the room where she was placed in the winter, not heated.

After 20 years, was a new attempt of opening an art gallery. In 1997, with the assistance of the district department of culture in the same bell tower opened art gallery. The issue with the heating and lighting facilities has been finally resolved. But a few months later, a complex of buildings enters Jerusalem cathedral passed farmstead Shartomskogo Holy Monastery.

Over the next five years of the establishment of the city art gallery all the time up in the newspaper "Volga" and discussed with the local authorities. In 2002, a group of local historians and artists Yurievets addressed a letter to the head of the district administration. In discussing the project gallery mutual understanding was reached, but there was a question about the room for the needs of the gallery. The main role in resolving this issue played a district education department. To accommodate the graphic works and paintings were finally found room. Since the opening of the exhibition hall is named after the founder of Yurievets - St. Prince George II Vsevolodovich and his patron saint St. George.

The "St. George's" Hall of the works of art and decorative and applied arts of teachers of children's art school, art studio "Rainbow" - AY Ushakov, AA Gorokhov, AV Galtseva and their pupils.

Ushakov Aleksandr Yurevich is fundamentally yurevchaninom. He tried his hand at various art styles and directions: from avant-garde to the realism of the birch bark products to batik. Constantly working on new approaches to display different art images and often changes his technique of writing. He's great at and portraits, and still lifes. His landscapes are deep in meaning and filled with deep philosophical meaning. Works by Alexander Yurevich repeatedly exhibited in Ivanovo, Shuya, Moscow, at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Ushakov paintings are in private collections in the United States, India, Germany, the United Kingdom and various CIS countries.

Another interesting creative person, whose works are exhibited in the St. George Hall - is Alexander V. Foteichev artist of the older generation. Foteichev is in the highest sense, a patriot of his city. In Yuryevets with his direct participation in 1962 opened the School of Arts. He - a painter, a musician, a numismatist, a collector of antique books. Write them a work imbued with the music world, have a fascinating beauty and purity of colors.

One should not forget about the artist, the master of the flat and the volume of carving, painting on wood - Alexander V. Galtseva. He graduated from art school Kholuy and today teaches the secrets of skill guys on Glazova Mountain. He and his students are regularly laureates and students of the regional exhibition of arts and crafts.

Permanent exhibition hall "St. George" consists of more than seventy paintings by artists Yurievets: AV Foteicheva, VF Kalbenina, AY Ushakov, AA Gorokhov, IG Urueva, AA Pakhotin, SI Mokrovskogo, AV Bolotov and others. Also in the exhibition hall and held personal exhibitions not only local artists, but also of Ivanovo, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod painters. There are also exhibited works by students of the school of arts, exhibitions of arts and crafts.

"St George" is a meeting place for art lovers and professional artists. In addition, he is a kind of cultural center of the city, which has its established traditions.

For the year in the "St. George" is changed to 7-8 exposures. Since 2008, the exhibition hall opened two branches: Theatre-Museum T. Ulitovoy "Origins", the museum of the artist J. Urueva.

The exhibition hall is constantly evolving and looking for new authors.

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