Museum "Portomoynya"
   Photography Museum "Portomoynya"

An unusual museum is located in the historic center of Yelabuga. Portomoynya or public laundry, was restored in an old house from the rubble. The former laundry building is well preserved stone floors and walls, hardwood floors and a stove for heating water in 1870 release. In the courtyard of the museum was restored stone chute to drain the used water from portomoyni and symbolic wooden carts with barrels.

In the nineteenth century the building where the museum is located, visited residents (mostly women) to wash and rinse the laundry in the clean piped water. The museum has preserved a fragment of a wooden pipe that water comes from a spring in the laundry. One of the first aqueducts appeared in Russia in Yelabuga thanks to his father the famous landscape painter Ivan Shishkin, who was in 1833 the local mayor.

The museum is widely represented equipment portomoyni: laundry baskets, wooden tubs and troughs for water, washboards, and a variety of devices. A special place in the museum hold detergents, the exhibition presents various examples of vintage labels soap and detergent manufacturers. Some exhibits more than one hundred years. Also in the museum you can find recipes for soap making at home and by what means washerwomen used in drying festive dress.

Opposite the monument of history and culture is another attraction of the city - a wooden house in which lived Marina Tsvetaeva, which according to the recollections of old residents went to portomoynyu of pure spring water.

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