Ponizovkin Palace in the village of Krasny Profintern
   Photo: Palace Ponizovkin in the village of Krasny Profintern

Ponizovkin Palace is located near Yaroslavl in Nekrasovskoe area on the north bank of the Volga River in the village of Krasny Profintern. This manor palace is a real castle. Despite the fact that he is currently located on the territory of treacle factory and surrounded by a fence, it produces protryasayuschee impression even from afar.

For enclosure also shows a second manor house (probably for servants or factory workers, factory built in the past, which are still used for the needs of production).

Nikita Ponizovkin is the founder of the local production of treacle. He has long been an ordinary peasant. His fate is quite mysterious. According to local legend, he came out of nowhere with a wallet on his shoulders. Then he made a fortune and owned several syrup plants in the area, which processes potatoes into starch. Then he decided to build a large modern factory and suddenly disappeared ... He went for treatment in Yaroslavl, but never returned. Most likely, it is about Nikita Ponizovkin and its production Nekrasov's poem says, "Woe to the old Nahum."

First molasses N. Ponizovkin opened a small factory in the village Durkovo in 1848 in the same place it was founded as, and chemical production. N. Ponizovkin continuously expanded production, and in the mid-1880s he was already 14, treacle plant in Bor and other villages.

In 1850, the businessman became a merchant of the second guild, and in 1863 - the first. In Paris, at the World Exhibition in 1889, its production plants won a silver medal. In addition to the starch and syrup production N.Ponizovkin owned a small factory as chemical, paint products are in great demand. Things were going well, and the merchant decided to build a large molasses and chemical plant on the Volga river. In 1866, its construction began, and in 1867 Ponizovkin mysteriously disappeared. His wife and sons organized a Trade House "Nikita Ponizovkina sons." It was under this name became operational in 1868 chemical plant. By this time, we were built Corps molasses, metalwork and carpentry workshops, factory chimney, building for steam boilers. Today, most of these buildings are used for their intended purpose. Other fate of farmstead buildings.

In the years 1912-1914 the grandson of well-known businessman, Nikita Andreyevich Ponizovkin designed by an unknown talented architect, built a palace on the banks of the Volga, which was made in eclectic style with the inclusion of elements of modernity. The unique monument has an interesting spatial solution and reminds construction architect PS Boytsova in Vladimir near Moscow and Muromtseva Podushkin.

With high quadrangular tower offers beautiful views of the surrounding area. Its interior is fully consistent with the external appearance: the grand staircase, columns, painted ceilings, parquet floor, a winter garden. Next to it is a second house. His first floor - made of brick, and the second - a wooden, decorated with fine carving.

After the revolution for a long time the building housed a school. In Soviet times, it was decided to replace the heating system with the air, which is designed for a house on the water. But a new water heating system is not doing its job. School is for this reason had to leave the building, then there was a club, a library and then the House of Culture.

In 1993 the plant was bought for next to nothing, but bad business activities of the new owners of production in 2001 led to bankruptcy. In 1993 he also had to rescue survivors miracle Ponizovskii treasures. To do this, especially with the Culture Department of the Yaroslavl Commission was created to rescue the heritage Ponizovkin. Something could not be saved, but porcelain, furniture, crystal chandeliers were taken to the Art Museum of Yaroslavl. But the house continued to deteriorate.

In 2008, the potato-starch factory co all buildings was purchased by a group of companies "Tashir", which immediately transgressed to the restoration of historical and architectural monument. The company plans to completely transform this once magnificent ensemble, without violating its integrity and historical authenticity.

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