Ferapontov Monastery
   Photo: Ferapontov Monastery

Ferapontov monastery was founded by an associate of the Rev. St. Cyril - St. Ferapont in 1938. The monastery is located 120 km from Vologda. Ferapontov Monastery is small: four temples, the refectory, the Treasury Chamber bell tower and fenced not very high wall of brick.

Widely known through the work of the monastery bought the Reverend Martinian, who is the spiritual father of Basil II. In the second half of the XV - beginning of XVI century the monastery became an important spiritual, ideological and cultural center Belozerja. The elders of the monastery had a serious impact on the policy of Moscow. At the beginning of the XVII century. Ferapontov Monastery owned several villages, fifty villages, wilderness areas and farmers of more than three hundred people.

The ensemble of the monastery of strikes quiet charm, comfort and unity with nature. The first buildings of the monastery were built of wood. Stone buildings begin to build in the late XV century. The first was erected Cathedral of the Nativity of Our Lady, which was one of the first cathedral, built of stone in the north of Russia. The Cathedral is the oldest construction of the monastery.

Painting cathedral engaged Dionysius - known and popular artist-painter at the time. Paint Cathedral Dionysius helped sons. Area murals Cathedral is 600 square meters. m. Pleasing to the eye soft color paintings and numerous stories. The walls of the cathedral were painted thirty-four days.

Cathedral of the Nativity seems very easy, elegant, graceful. A special dress differs west side. The basis of its decoration decorative belt is composed of two tiers of sparkling tile inlaid tiles. Above is patterned cornice. Lavishly processed drum heads of central and kokoshniki and semicircles altar apses. In their design presents all kinds of decoration - tiled belt, baluster shaped niches.

Adjacent to the cathedral bunk transitions built in the middle of the bell tower. They lead to the Church of the Annunciation, which was built in 1530-1534 gg. It is a temple of the cubic form with a head divided into three floors tier. First, the lower floor, occupied household pantries, church facilities housed on the second floor, located on the third bell tower. It not really used to be and the completion of the temple. District high-cylindrical shape of the drum, which was crowned with the head of the pretentious, grouped bell tower, small rooms, with the purpose of "hiding places" and of libraries, communication trenches.

The main entrance to the monastery - a holy gates. They were built in 1649 Main facade of colorful and outfits. Narrow and long windows are framed stretched casings having a sharp keeled over. Under the eaves - patterned belt in two rows. Crown skill and talent of the architect tents are treated with great taste.

In 1614 the monastery was thoroughly looted Poles. But especially valuable relics the monks managed to hide and save. Gradually, beginning in the late 17th century, the monastery begins the decline. Buildings Monastery, one might say, only in the north of Russia, preserving all the typical characteristics of interior and decor.

By decision of the Holy Synod in 1798 the monastery was closed. Many buildings were demolished or rebuilt. In 1904 the monastery begins to function as a female. It closed again in 1923. In 1975, begins the formation of the museum. Today its walls is a museum of Dionysus's frescoes. Today it is the oldest preserved frescoes of ancient Russia.

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