The monument to the heroes of the War of 1812
   Photo: The monument to the heroes of the War of 1812

The monument to the heroes of the War of 1812 was set in Vitebsk on the day of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of victory in World War II on the initiative of Vitebsk scientific archival commission. The money for the monument were collected by residents of Vitebsk and Vitebsk province. Monument immortalized immortal feat of the Belarusian people in the war against Napoleon's army.

On the eve of the Russian Empire was a competition for the best works. Entries were published in the magazine "Architect". Vitebsk was chosen the project, IA Fomin. Before you make a monument of stone, it was produced from wood and installed in the space provided to see all the flaws.

The monument was erected in front of the house of the governor - exactly where in 1812 Napoleon spent his troops parade before to take the fateful decision - to move to Moscow.

26-meter granite obelisk topped with a polished double-headed eagle sitting on the ball. The obelisk is mounted on a rectangular pedestal. Memorial plaque on the pedestal reads: "Immortal valor heroes of the Patriotic War, participants in the battles near Vitebsk 13, 14, 15 July and 26 October 1812". In the corners of the monument there are four cast-iron cannon, mortars.

The red granite obelisk quarried in tunnels Galsingforsa (Helsinki) and specially delivered to Vitebsk, where he was treated master AA Ivanov from the village Vassergelishki Vitebsk province.

Bronze eagle on the ball was manufactured in a factory of artistic bronze-casting and electroforming work A. Moron Petersburg.

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