Summer Amphitheatre
   Photo: Summer Amphitheatre

Summer Amphitheatre - the main concert hall of the international art festival "Slavic Bazaar". The festival is held every year, every summer, exactly one week.

This unusual old auditorium was built for the Festival of Polish Song in 1987. Its capacity today 6219 seats, divided into 9 sectors. The area of ​​430 square meters of the stage. Author of the project architect, VA Babashkin.

The construction site of the Summer Amphitheatre was chosen on purpose. It is built in a natural basin, where before there was a ravine. The slopes of the ravine safely protect the former Summer Amphitheatre from the city noise and, conversely, residents of the city who wish to relax do not interfere with the sound of music from the Summer Amphitheatre.

Its present appearance amphitheater acquired immediately. In 2007, on an open stage and auditorium was built unusual openwork design - "hood" that covers performing artists and spectators from the weather. It increased the number of seats, held total reconstruction and renovation of the amphitheater.

Height openwork roof over the summer amphitheater - 25 meters, the length of the arch formed by it - 120 meters. The design consists of 18,000 metal rods held together with the help of three thousand metal balls. Behind the scenes is an artistic block. This four-story building with all necessary equipment for the artists: make-up rooms, technical and administrative offices. Here, in 2007, for the artists it was opened café "Maestro" with 60 seats.

In 2009, the Walk of Fame was opened with the portraits of the winners of a special presidential award "Through art - to peace and mutual understanding."

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