Zoo Vigo
   Photos Zoo Vigo

About 10 km from the center of Vigo is a great city zoo. This amazing area wildlife is on the mountain Madroa and covers an area of ​​slightly more than 55, 5 thousand square meters. meters. The zoo was founded by the mayor of Rafael Portanetom and built by his successor in the position of Antonio Fernandez Areal Ramilo. The official opening of Zoo Vigo on 18 July 1971 and today it is the only zoo in the province of Galicia.

The creators of the zoo did everything possible to animals living in it, it was in conditions close to the conditions of the environment to which they are accustomed .  The animal world zoo has about 600 species, including 50 species of birds, 25 species of mammals, and about 30 representatives of various reptiles .  In addition to the diverse fauna, zoo pleases its visitors with a wealth of flora .  It grows about 42 species of trees, shrubs and other plants .  Here you can see birch, pine, oak, willow, wild apple and cherry, as well as various kinds of magnificent acacia, yucca, camellia and more .  At the zoo you can find American bison, otters, zebras, chinchillas, Oryx, panthers, tigers, lions, mouflon, lynx, kangaroos and other wildlife .  Among the birds living in the zoo, you will find eagles, geese, storks, swans, peacocks, emus and other . 

Because the zoo is located on the mountain, its visitors will also have the opportunity to admire the magnificent views of the surrounding area. Walking through the zoo Vigo will bring a true delight to everyone who comes here - whether adult or child.

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