Palazzo Barbarigo Minotto
   Photo: Palazzo Barbarigo Minotto

Palazzo Barbarigo Minotto - Palace of the 15th century, stands on the banks of the Grand Canal in Venice near the Palazzo Corner. It was built in the Venetian Gothic style, and originally consisted of two palaces - the older Palazzo Minotto, remarkable Byzantine frieze of the 13th century, and the Palazzo Barbarigo, built in the 17th century, which later merged. Palazzo Barbarigo was owned by the family of the same name for several hundred years. It was here in 1625, the year was born Gregorio Barbarigo, who once renounced papal crown. Later, the palace owned by the family Minotto and Martinengo.

Three main rooms of the Palazzo overlooking the Grand Canal, and the other three turned to the Rio Dzagurov. In the first half of the 18th century on the orders of Pietro Barbarigo interior of the palace was decorated with frescoes and paintings by Tiepolo, Fontebasso and Tencalla. Chapel of the Palazzo remarkable elongated floor in the style of King Louis XIV with wooden inlay. In the same style front doors of the palace with a border of walnut and bronze handles in the shape of grape leaves.

Barbarigo family was one of the most influential in Venice - from this kind of place prominent bishops, cardinals and aristocrats. Among them was even a saint - the same Gregorio, who refused the Holy See and was canonized in 1761, the year. It is a family founded the church of Santa Maria del Giglio, also known as Santa Maria Dzobenigo. Noble family ceased to exist in 1804, and became the property of the Palazzo Barbarigo family Marcantonio. Today the "piano nobile" of the palace with its splendid Baroque furniture is the property of the family Franchini - here since 2005 has been held the prestigious classical music festival "Music in the Palazzo."

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