Novgorod Kremlin
   Photo: Novgorod Kremlin

Novgorod Kremlin was built by Prince Yaroslav and is the oldest surviving in Russia, the Kremlin. It is located in the city center, on the left bank of the Volkhov.

The remaining brick walls and towers of the Kremlin were built at the end of the XV century, in 1484 - 1490gg and represent great value as an architectural and an engineering side as well as the relatively well preserved, giving an excellent opportunity to study the ancient Russian military engineering.

Saint Sophia Cathedral - the oldest preserved temple in Russia, built by the Slavs, was built in 1045-1050 years. The cathedral is a five-naval cross-domed church. On three sides of a central two-story building surrounded by a wide gallery. The temple has five chapters, the sixth crowned stair tower, located at the western entrance to the south gallery. Makovytsya Heads are in the form of ancient helmets. The walls of the temple, having a thickness of 1 to 2 m, built of limestone of different colors. Stones are not fashioned (podtёsana only opening onto the surface of the side wall) and sealed with lime mortar with admixtures of pounded brick.

Today, the temple can enter through the north door. But during the Archbishop's service, the Main - West Gate. They are made in the German city of Magdeburg in the XII century. At the gates of Novgorod were in the same century as the spoils of war from Sweden. It is Russia's only work of Romanesque monumental sculpture was raised in the XV century Russian master Abraham, put your picture next to the pictures of the German foundry Rikvina and Vaysmuta.

In the XII century St. Sofia cathedral was painted completely. Grandiose, more than three meters in height, figures of prophets in the piers of the central drum, the images of saints and ornamental mosaics in the altar area, expressive polufigurny Deesis in the south gallery - it's almost all that remained today from its former magnificence. The cathedral kept Russian national relic - the icon of the Mother of God "The Sign", in 1170 he defended Novgorod Suzdal from this legend later formed the basis of icons "Battle of Novgorod and Suzdal", narrating about this event.

The belfry of St. Sophia Cathedral is a part of the wall with five bays at the top. At the foot of the belfry - five ancient monumental bells, bells hanging at the top of the modern casting.

Opposite St. Sophia Cathedral is a monument "Millennium of Russia" - a monument erected in 1862 in honor of the millennial anniversary of the legendary Vikings calling on Russia. The authors of the monument are sculptor Mikhail Mikeshin and I.N.Shreder and architect VA Hartmann.

Faceted Chamber - the only ancient Gothic building in Russia and is the earliest surviving building in Russia secular purpose - was built in 1433 Russian and German architects. In the XV century chamber intended for receptions and meetings, however, it administers Episcopal Justice.

The highest tower of the Kremlin - watchtower Kokui (41 meters), built in the XVIII century., - Open to visitors during the warmer months. From its summit offers a wonderful view of the Novgorod land - for many kilometers around.

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