Round Church
   Photography: Round Church

The ruins of Veliki Preslav, once the capital of the Bulgarian kingdom, declared archaeological and historical reserve. It operates based more than 90 years ago, the archaeological museum, rich with all sorts of unique finds. The museum boasts Preslav gold treasure, a unique collection of lead seals rulers and dignitaries of Bulgaria and Byzantium. In addition, there is stored a ceramic icon of St. Theodore.

It is known that at the base of the first stones laid Preslav Bulgarian builders in 821. And it was a town surrounded by strong stone walls, built as two concentric circles. Wall divided the city into two parts - external and internal. The width of the outer wall reaches more than 3 meters, the material used in the construction of the walls - limestone (white stone). Inside width of the walls of the citadel fluctuated between 2, 80-3 meters. It was she who defended the administrative buildings and the palace itself.

In addition to the palaces, residential and farm buildings, particularly valuable building Veliki Preslav was considered the Round Church, otherwise - Gold. It was erected in the year 908. Gold-plated dome of the outside inside was lined with mosaics on a gold background. This beautiful and majestic building crowns the central part of the building. Twelve niches in the walls interspersed with twelve columns of white marble. All in all it can be called the Round Church a unique example of architecture of ancient Bulgaria. Remarkably, it is far ahead of Europe, which appeared later in the Baroque style.

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