   Photo: Kerkuane

Kerkuane - is an ancient and rather large Punic city of Carthage times, dating back to V-IV centuries. BC. During the First Punic War it was destroyed and then, in contrast to Carthage, not rebuilt or Romans or Arabs. But the more valuable objects found on its territory, because they show the everyday life of the time, not distorted by foreign influence.

In Kerkuane almost found important historical documents, but open a whole collection of household items stored in the Archaeological Museum of closely spaced, open in 1986. According to one version the city was destroyed in the II. BC. Roman Emperor Marcus Regulus, on the other - even during the war with Agathocles in 310 BC. e. He suffered a lot, but the people have remained in the city until the conquest of Rome Kerkuane.

The city was quite wealthy, as its territory was carried out extensive trade and through the trade routes. In addition, there was mined and produced a purple dye for textiles, which was then a very expensive commodity. Some archaeologists believe that the town could be built before Carthage - in the VI century BC, as its territory there are several houses, much older than the others. Judging by the number of foundations in Kerkuane population of about 2 thousand. Man, was the sanctuary, and in the center has a sales area.

The necropolis, located north-west of the city, a local resident was found in 1929, when he worked in the field, but the French archaeologists began excavating it only in 1952, 20 years later. In 1985, UNESCO declared Kerkuane, including the adjacent necropolis, UNESCO World Heritage as the best preserved Punic settlement.

Tourists visiting Kerkuane, it is possible to see the layout of the Punic city intact, stroll through its streets and go home, which has a unique bath in pink marble and mosaics.

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