Abbey St. Martin
   Photo: Abbey St. Martin

Abbey St. Martin in Trier - one of the monuments, which testify to the fact that the city has long been one of the centers of Christianity in the region. The first mention of the existence of the abbey can be attributed to the fourth century, and in the sixth it has become part of the monastery of Trier. Excellent geographical location on the River Moselle was the reason that the monastery was later inhabited by Benedictine monks.

The abbey was destroyed many times, but always restored with enviable speed. So, the brightest rulers preferred to live in this Abbey, because of its interesting history: the building itself sometimes becomes a hostage of political action in the bosom of the church. Particularly flourishing monastery, and with it the abbey reached between ages 11-13. In this period the famous paintings on the vaults and walls of Gospels. Beginning in 1506 the abbey was to expand, it was completed by another facade, the style of which is completely fit into the style of the Renaissance.

In 1673 the abbey was almost completely destroyed, but part of it was restored to the beginning of 1802 as much of the style of the building. For a long time the building was a small porcelain manufacture the best products which can be seen today in the Museum of the City of Trier. Needless Abbey of St. Martin now enters the list of objects that are traditionally recommended to visit the city in a series of interesting buildings that are rich in this small German town.

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