Castle of Plessis-les-Tours
   Photo: Castle of Plessis-les-Tours

Not the most enviable fate Castle Plessis-les-Tours: the former residence of King Louis XI after the French Revolution, was sold to a private person, and he ordered her to dismantle brick, and even carried out his intentions almost completely. From the castle there was only about a quarter - is the southern part of the central building with a tower, which houses the royal apartments. The most interesting thing that you can see in this castle today - is the room in which he died, Louis XI, and the dungeons of the royal prison with an iron cage.

The castle is located a few kilometers from the center of the town, on the outskirts of La Riche. The castle was built by Louis XI, who in 1468 bought one of the estates, called Monti-les-Tours and renamed the monarch, and lived there in seclusion until 1483. Castle also went down in history as the meeting place of Henry III and Henry of Navarre, who agreed on joint actions against Catholics. In the XVII century the residence was abandoned in the next century, it is located in the hospice, gave shelter to the sick, the poor and homeless.

In the XIX century in the remaining part of the castle housed a farm and a workshop for the production of hunting shot. In the early XX century, it housed the laboratory for the production of vaccines. Only in 1927 the castle acquired the status of a historical monument.

At the end of the last century, the castle became the owner of the theater troupe Cano Lopez, and now the castle can be visited during any cultural events. It was possible to reconstruct the original appearance of the castle, its layout is stored in the bar of the theater. You can also stroll through the park a castle - when near the castle grew a lot of mulberry trees, and it played a big role in the development of local Filature.

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