The ensemble of the Transfiguration Cathedral and the Church of Vhodoierusalimskoy
   Photo: Ensemble of the Transfiguration Cathedral and the Church of Vhodoierusalimskoy

Transfiguration Cathedral is the main cathedral of Torzhok. He came to our time in the form of 1822. This is one of the best works of Russian classicism of the first half of the 19th century.

The first Transfiguration Cathedral in the city was erected in 1364 by Novgorod. It was located on the site of the wooden church, burnt by Tartars in 1238. The cathedral was built at the expense of Novotorzhsky and Novgorod merchants. In 1372, when Torzhok ravaged squad Prince of Tver Mikhail Alexandrovich, in this temple suffocated and burned, many residents of the city. Later, the cathedral was restored again.

In 1406 in the temple located under the floor of the crypt were buried Novotorzhsky Prince Vyazemsky and his wife Ulyana killed Smolensk Prince Yuri.

By the end of the 18th century Cathedral of the Transfiguration, which by this time had stood for more than four hundred years, I came to the dilapidated state of, for urgent restoration works. In 1780 the highest decree of Catherine II to build a new temple in the name of the governor Sievers was allocated to 7000 rubles, but these funds in 1782 were aimed at the construction of the Church of Boris and Gleb Monastery.

In 1810, merchants from Torzhok asked the governor of Tver, the Prince of Oldenburg, to apply for the allocation of government funds to build a new temple. In 1815, the old church was demolished and in its place was built a new church. When cleaning the pit for the construction was found a secret passage leading from the cathedral to the river Tvertsa, which was laid out arches.

The author of the new draft of the Transfiguration Cathedral is still unknown. The estimate for the construction was a pupil of the architect Ivan moksha. Carl Rossi claimed his chief architect at the governor of Tver. Local historians have not excluded the possibility that the project developed very famous architect. The cathedral was built from 1815 to 1822 years, the plan is square, it is crowned with five domes. Each side of the building is decorated with a classical portico.

Near the Transfiguration Cathedral is Vhodoierusalimskaya church, which was erected in 1842 on the project of Lviv IF This one-domed winter church, which by its appearance echoes the Transfiguration Cathedral. Its arches are decorated with paintings, done on wet plaster with water based paints. The interior of the temple, including items purchased services at the expense of the brothers Jacob and Stepan Mikhail Uvarov, Novotorzhsky merchants.

Worship in both churches have stopped in 1930, then it was demolished cathedral bell tower. For a long time in the Transfiguration Cathedral is the club and in the hall of the temple sounded heavy rock. Now Transfiguration Cathedral restored, but is not yet available.

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