Palace Dambskih
   Photo: Palace Dambskih

Dambskih Palace - Baroque building, Dambskih family residence, built in the late seventeenth century in Torun.

Construction of the palace for the Bishop Casimir Stanislaus Dambskogo began in 1693. Incredibly beautiful facade of the building was covered with plaster and decorated with floral and floral ornaments. Today it is one of the preserved samples of the baroque in Torun.

By the end of the eighteenth century, the palace remained in the family-owned Dambskih, and in 1800 was sold to a Prussian officer Joachim Auvergne. Fifteen years later, the building was sold again, the new owner of the hotel was opened in the palace called "Gdansk". The hotel is not lasted ten years, after which the brewer was bought by Frederick Hoppe. In the seventies of the nineteenth century, the building was purchased by the War Department for the needs of the Prussian army, and soon discovered there was a mess. In 1874, the reconstruction of the palace in which was deleted by the baroque portal and the high gable roof was replaced with a modern oval roof of corrugated iron. Since then, the palace was turned into a casino for the military.

In the years 1920-1924 the palace housed the State Police and the Society of Fine Arts. After World War II, in 1957, the palace was transferred to the Nicolaus Copernicus University Faculty of Fine Arts.

In the years 1976-1992 the building were carried out restoration work to restore the historic appearance of the palace. During the repair work has been removed metal roof, restored facade, rebuilt the entrance portal in the Baroque style. Today Dambskih Palace is one of the most beautiful buildings in the old town of Torun.

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