Monument to Admiral PI Ricordi
   Photo: Monument to Admiral PI Ricordi

Monument to Admiral PI Ricordi a granite block with a sea anchor and chain set on the shore of the lake, not far from the museum. Marine attributes rather unusual look in the land Toropets. Bas-relief on the iron - a portrait of Admiral and a commemorative inscription.

Petro Rikord born in Toropets. He graduated from the Naval Cadet Corps, which at various times studied such famous Russian naval commanders as Ushakov, Nakhimov, Makarov, Senyavin, marine writer sausage Stanyukovich Sobolev, the first circumnavigator Kruzenshtern explorers of Antarctica Bellingshausen and Lazarev, balloonist Mozhajskij and others.

PI Rikord in the history of the Russian fleet came as the most peaceful naval commander. Thanks to him, Russia was saved from three wars. The first time it happened, when the Japanese captured a Lieutenant-Commander P. Golovnin, the Russian envoy, commander of the sloop "Diana". P. Rikord Golovnin was a friend and, using his great diplomatic talent, without bloodshed messenger returned, and thus saved the country from the war. This Petro earned the respect of the Japanese, who even set him a monument in Japan.

The second rescue happened in the Mediterranean Sea, where Russia has sent a squadron under the command of Admiral Ricord to help the Greek people in the struggle against the Turkish yoke. Admiral was able to force the Turks to liberate the land of Greek military power of its fleet, but Rikord did not. He enrolled in a different way, by persuading Greek Cypriots to leave the land without a fight. As a result, they saved the lives of thousands of representatives of the three ethnic groups: Turks, Greeks and Russian. For such a feat Rikord was elected to the National Assembly an honorary citizen of Greece, he even offered to become the president of this country.

The third case to prevent Admiral Rikord hostilities occurred in 1854, when the combined armada Turkish, English and French fleets have imposed maritime borders of Russia. It was besieged Sevastopol - in the Black Sea, Arkhangelsk - the White, St. Petersburg - on the Baltic. In the Pacific Ocean in Kamchatka, there was also an attack on the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. At this time, Admiral Rikord led the defense of the island and the fortress of Kronstadt - the main base of the Russian fleet in the Baltic Sea, the capture of which would open the way to the Russian capital. Again Admiral Ricordi was able to organize the defense in such a way that the enemy, after several unsuccessful attacks returned.

Rikord to circumnavigate the globe on the sloop "Diana" from St. Petersburg to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. There's a long time he held the post of governor of the Kamchatka land. That's when Ricordi there appeared the first school, was conducted the first census of the population began to engage in agriculture, etc.

Rikord was an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences and Moscow State University, the Greek Archaeological Society, the Moscow Society of Naturalists. PI Rikord is the founder of the Russian Geographical Society. His name: Cape on Iturup Island, the strait between the islands of Kunashir and chum salmon in the Kuril Islands, an island in Peter the Great Bay near Vladivostok.

Monument to Admiral Ricordi in Toropets was established in 2001 in honor of the 225th anniversary of the birth of the great admiral. Construction of the monument was a city-wide affair: a Zalikovskogo lake was brought and installed a granite stone. Sea anchor has been granted the House of children's creativity, high school students Toropetzkaya №1 were collected for modeling bas plate. The required form has been cast iron enthusiasts foundry-mechanical plant. Monument opened a descendant of Admiral Ricord, A.I.Tihotsky, Ph.D., of St. Petersburg.

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