Resurrection Cathedral
   Photo: Resurrection Cathedral

Orthodox Cathedral of the Resurrection, or Resurrection Cathedral, also known as "Nicholas-up." It was built in the late 19th century, and in 1962 received the status of a monument of culture of Japan and is protected by state. Also, it has the status of the Orthodox Cathedral of the Diocese of Tokyo and is valid. It is a quarter-Surugadai Kanda, Chiyoda.

The first temple was built in 1871 after the Orthodox mission, headed by Archimandrite Nicholas (Kasatkin), moved to the Japanese capital. The church then had the house and very close. The construction of the new church already Bishop Nikolai (Kasatkin) raising funds, giving lectures in different cities of Russia. Raising it a truly international team: the author of the project was a Russian architect Mikhail Schurupov, the author of the design - British Josiah Conder, and supervised the construction of Nagasato Taysuke. Only twenty years later, in 1891, the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ was consecrated.

The temple was badly damaged during the earthquake in September 1923. Fractures of the bell tower fell on the dome of the temple, destroyed the sacristy and threw one of the inputs. The fire burned the whole wooden inventory building, church utensils and bells melted.

During the Second World War in order to camouflage the building of the cathedral painted black, and after the war worship almost ceased, the building was in a sorry state. The funds for its restoration only began collecting in 1950.

In the 70 years of the twentieth century the temple received the status of the Cathedral of the Japanese Orthodox Church and became open for inspection. In 90 years in the temple for six years conducted a large-scale restoration in 1998, the cathedral was re-consecrated.

Today, the Cathedral of the Resurrection is an example of Russian-Byzantine style. An aerial view of the temple looks like a cross with a rather narrow wings. The height of the temple to the highest point on the bell tower is 40 meters. His ringing spread over the Japanese capital of eight bells. Some of the icons of the temple are copies of works by Viktor Vasnetsov and Mikhail Nesterov. The altar area contains three icons: the Mother of God "The Sign", Archangel Michael and the Archangel Gabriel. The cathedral is designed for 2,000 visitors.

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