Roman forum
   Photo: Roman Forum

Among the abundance of interesting sights in the capital of Greek Macedonia Thessaloniki special attention certainly deserve the ruins of the Roman Forum (agora), located in the historic center of the city. The Roman Forum was built in the late 2nd century BC on the site where once was the ancient Agora and up to the 5th century AD It was the administrative center of Thessaloniki, playing an enormous role in the political, economic and social life of the city.

The ruins of the Roman Forum in Thessaloniki were discovered only in the early 1960s. Remains of buildings and the unique ancient artifacts found in archaeological excavations have yielded invaluable information on the history and culture of ancient Thessaloniki.

Forum occupied an area of ​​about 2 hectares and is a whole complex of buildings, which housed various government agencies (including Mint and city archives), public baths, shops, craft shops, Odeon, etc. Because of the natural slope of the land on the south side of the forum had two-level structure (the so-called Upper and Lower Agora). Upper Agora is a rectangular tile-paved area surrounded on three sides by two rows of columns, for which actually housed the building. Lower Agora is composed of semi-subterranean vaulted galleries.

Today, the Roman Forum is an important archaeological and historical sites in Thessaloniki. Following the restoration archaeological site open to the public. On its territory (in the renovated underground galleries) also has a very interesting museum of the Roman Forum.

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