Museum of Byzantine Culture
   Photo: Museum of Byzantine Culture

Museum of Byzantine Culture in Thessaloniki is considered one of the best museums of not only the capital of Greek Macedonia, and Greece. The museum features over 3,000 unique artifacts, perfectly illustrating the formation, rise and fall of the legendary Byzantine Empire, as well as so-called "post-Byzantine period."

In August 1913 the governor of Central Macedonia, Stephanos Dragoumis issued a decree on the basis of the Thessaloniki Central Byzantine Museum. Nevertheless, the decision remained on paper, and in the First World War unique artifacts for security reasons left Thessaloniki and were transported to Athens and placed in the "Byzantine and Christian Museum." Subsequently ancient relics have been officially included in the collection of the museum in Athens and Thessaloniki returned only in 1994.

Decades later, again the question was raised about the need for the Byzantine Museum in Thessaloniki. For the museum, it was decided to construct a new building that meets all modern requirements, and in 1977 was declared a national architectural competition, which was won by talented architect Kyriakos Krokos. Construction began in 1889, and in 1994 the Museum of Byzantine Culture, finally opened its doors to visitors.

The museum exhibition is divided on the subject and presented in chronological order .  In the first room you get to know the peculiarities of the early Christian churches of the period (4-7 century) - architecture, sculpture, mosaic, painting, etc. . d .  In the second hall beautifully illustrated life and the life of people in the ages 4-7 .  In the third room contains artifacts and burial traditions of the early Christian period .  The fourth hall tells about the art and culture of the mid-Byzantine period (8-12 centuries) - a period of great intellectual and artistic achievements of the Byzantine Empire, especially during the reign of Komnenian .  In some halls are also such exposure as a "dynasty of the Byzantine emperors," "Byzantine fortress", "The Decline of the Byzantine Empire," "Byzantium after Byzantium" (second half of the 15th - 19th century), as well as excellent private collections Dori Papastratu and Demetrios Oykonomopulusa .  The museum also provides a separate wing for temporary exhibitions . 

Since 1998, the Museum of Byzantine Culture regularly scientific conferences, lectures, seminars and educational programs for schoolchildren. In 2005, the Museum of Byzantine Culture in Thessaloniki, by a decision of the Council of Europe was awarded the title "European Museum of the Year" for their invaluable contribution to education, culture and science.

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