Hundred horse chestnut
   Photo hundred horse chestnut

Hundred horse chestnut - a unique attraction of Sicily, located in the village of Sant Alfio on the eastern slope of Etna, 8 km from the crater. Scientists believe this Chestnut biggest and oldest in the world - it is 2 to 4 thousand years. And in the Guinness Book of Records listed it as a tree with a trunk circumference of the largest: in 1780 the circumference of the barrel was nearly 58 meters! The height of the tree - 22 meters. Despite the fact that the barrel has three chestnut height of 13, 20 and 22 meters, they all have a common root.

This tree is mentioned repeatedly in the Italian poems and songs. Even the origin of its name is a legend that one day the Queen, hitting a storm while hunting, hid under the canopy of chestnut, along with a hundred knights accompanying her. The storm lasted until the evening, and the whole entourage sat under a tree. Hence the romantic name - hundred horse chestnut. It is not known what kind of queen in question - perhaps it was Giovanna I of Aragon (1455 - 1517). According to another version - the English Empress Elizabeth, the third wife of Frederick II. Finally, some have suggested that we are talking about the Queen Giovanna I of Naples (1328 - 1382), whose name is linked to the infamous Sicilian Vespers. But most likely, all of these legends - a figment of people's imagination.

Approximately 400 meters from the hundred horse chestnut grows another chestnut, which is about a thousand years - Chestnut-ship, also called Kashtan St. Agatha. This tree in accordance with some of the scientific data, a second age and size in Italy. The circumference of its trunk is 20 meters, height - 19 meters.

And in the vicinity of the village of Zafferana Etnea, on the eastern slope of Etna, you can see the holm oak Karrin di Ilic, whose age is estimated as a thousand years. It has a trunk girth of 4 meters and a height of 19 meters.

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