   Photo: Argostolion

Argostoli - the largest city and capital of the island of Kefalonia (one of the Ionian Islands). Spa Argostoli is the main port of Kefalonia and is located in a picturesque bay.

Argostoli became the capital of the island in 1757 after the population of the old capital of Agios Georgios (aka Castro) has moved from the mountainous area in a well-protected natural harbor. This made it possible to establish strong trade links residents led the city to prosperity and economic growth. Argostoli has become one of the most strategic ports of Greece. The cozy town with a lot of magnificent buildings of the Venetian era thoroughly damaged during a major earthquake in 1953. Argostoli has been rebuilt, but unfortunately, most of the finest architectural structures has not been restored.

An important historical monument is the bridge Argostoli skedaddle, built during the British rule, in 1813, Swiss engineer Charles de Beausset. The original structure was made of wood, but in 1842 the bridge was rebuilt in stone. About halfway parallel to the bridge in the water on a stone pedestal stands an obelisk, which since its foundation was a memorial plaque with the inscription "To the glory of the British Empire! ". But in 1865, a year after the end of British rule, a sign mysteriously disappeared. Obelisk same to this day is an important symbol of the island.

In Argostoli is interesting to visit the Archaeological Museum, and Museum of History and Folklore, located in the basement of the city library. In the vicinity of the city is one of the most beautiful caves in Greece - with spectacular Melissani underground lake and cave Drogarati with rare beauty of stalactites and stalagmites. An important local attractions are the ruins of the Venetian castle of St. George (the former administrative center of the island), 7 km from Argostoli.

Today, modern and cosmopolitan Argostoli is known for its beautiful sandy beaches and comfortable hotels.

Always worth a stroll through the very beautiful promenade paved with multicolored pebbles and decorated with palm trees. The central area of ​​the city - Plateyya Valiani - has a square shape, the perimeter of which are located a number of excellent restaurants, cafes and bars. This area is a favorite place for walks and rest, like the locals and visitors alike. Lithostroto pedestrian street - the main shopping street of the city with excellent shops - is also popular among tourists. On the square Kabanos is the clock tower, from the top of the site where you can enjoy beautiful panoramic views of the city and its surroundings.

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