Ternopil Pond
   Photo: Ternopil Pond

Ternopil Pond - an artificial pond in the center of the city of Ternopil, created in 1951 on the spot where the river Seret earlier were numerous swamps. Today, out of habit the locals call a pond lake, despite its artificial origin. At that time bore the name of Komsomolsk pond, its current name "Ternopil Pond" was only in 1991

The history of the Ternopil Lake begins almost from the time he started to build the city. Its creator was the founder of the city of the Polish Crown Hetman Jan Tarnavskiy who received permission for the construction of the dam and, in particular, the creation of a pond. Built in the floodplain of the river Siret Ternopil lake served as the connecting link between the fortifications of those times, to protect against Tatar and Turkish invaders. It is worth noting that the lake covers an area of ​​about 300 hectares. And besides the protective function, the pond served as a place for fish.

Before the construction of the pond bed of Siret was partitioned dam. Before World War II, and during it, the territory of the Ternopil Lake was in complete disarray. Large-scale restoration of the reservoir took place in the 50-ies. 20 Art. Then there was built a new dam and the water level became much higher than it was before. The area of ​​the new reservoir was more than 300 hectares, and called it the Komsomolsk lake. While along the east shore of the lake was built the park Shevchenko, as well as the island is equipped Sidorenko (now known as the island of love). In 1975 Ternopil lake was built a fountain called "jets Korodyuka", which was another of its decoration. The height of the jet fountain reaching 15 m.

Today Ternopil Pond - a calling card of the city, as well as a favorite place of recreation for residents and visitors to the city of Ternopil. On the lake runs the ship "Captain T. Pariy."

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