Palmach Museum
   Photo: Museum of the Palmach

Museum dedicated to the history of the Palmach, or drum mouth ("plugot mahats"). Created before the emergence of the State of Israel, these groups have become the backbone of the Army defense. From his mouth came the big shock commanders and politicians (Yigal Allon, Yitzhak Rabin, Moshe Dayan), prominent cultural figures. Palmach - the legendary part of the history of Israel.

Palmach was established in 1941 when over Palestine threatened invasion of the Nazis. This would mean the physical destruction of the local Jews. The command of the Haganah (the armed forces of the Yishuv - the Jewish population in Palestine) decided to create partisan detachments for action in the rear of the Nazis.

We trained and financed the British troops. Money is allocated to five hundred people, but the command of his mouth manages to contain them fifteen hundred volunteers. Under the guise of flying club in the Palmach were created by the group of sailors and Palavir - the embryo of the future of the Air Force of the country.

Palmach fighters penetrated into the rear of the Italians and Germans in Lebanon and Syria, destroyed communications lines, military facilities. During one of the operations of a young Moshe Dayan lost his left eye. On the instructions of the Allied reconnaissance percussion mouth dropped by parachute to Romania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Slovakia, Italy. Many of them died.

In fact, the Palmach obey only the orders of the Haganah, which is why in 1943 the British stopped working with him. The organization went underground. To survive, it has entered into an alliance with the kibbutzim: Each kibbutz assumed the maintenance platoon, the soldiers fourteen days of the month gave agricultural operations.

The history of the Palmach contradictory. Create the Left Socialists saw his ideal in the USSR, the commanders of the pro-Stalin was loyal party Mapam. Palmahovtsy were ready to execute any order. In early 1945, they on the orders of the Yishuv leadership launched a hunt for the Jewish underground organizations of Zionist Revisionists (Irgun and Lehi). Trapped underground tortured, handed over to the British.

By the beginning of the War of Independence the Palmach consisted of three brigades, and they were the best fighters of the Haganah. They excelled in all the battles. Nevertheless, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, striving for national unity, dismissed the shock companies. Their fighters joined the Israel Defense Forces.

Palmach Museum was opened in 2000. For him, by architects Zvi Hecker and Rafi Segal specially built fortress-like building. In one of the rooms recreated Tel Aviv street forties of last century, when the Palmach began its activities. Scrolls newsreels, street scenes played seventy years ago. In another room - typical for the country's eucalyptus grove, it - the secret collection point volunteers. Seven young Israelis meet with the commander. Against the backdrop of the country's history unfolding personal stories of these seven: battles, raids, injured. The story is accompanied by an unusually realistic sound and light effects.

A visit to the museum begins and ends at the Memorial Hall, dedicated to the memory palmahovtsev who gave their lives in the battles for Israel.

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