Farkash Gallery collection
   Photo Gallery Farkas

Farkash Gallery collection, which in Old Jaffa - the world's largest collection of historical Israeli posters. The basis of the collection of the local - military, political, posters, created by talented artists, both before and after the establishment of the State of Israel.

Family Farkas founded the collection was in 1948, when Israel appeared on the world map. By that time the Jewish poster went a long way. One of the oldest exhibits gallery - poster 1925 works of the founder of the Israeli design Ze'ev Raban, advertises Jaffa oranges (Jaffa has always been famous for its orange groves). 1939 poster urges Jews to join the British army. On another poster woman with her son escorted his father-soldier, the inscription asks remember "emergency tax" to help the soldiers' families.

During World War II Jews fought on all fronts. On the poster, published in the United States in the forties, the slogan - "The Jewish soldiers demanding the Jewish army! ". Next - published in 1945, immediately after the collapse of Nazi Germany, black and white list, calling remove survivors from the Holocaust of the Jews in Palestine (Britain was strongly opposed such immigration).

A unique exhibit - a poster with the Israeli Declaration of Independence, printed at the time only fifty copies (extant only three of them). For all the decades of Israel's existence an important part of his daily life were posters calling for the support of the IDF, the Defense Army of the country. This is a rare poster fifties, calling into the ranks of the Israeli assault - a time when Ariel Sharon led Marines to victory in the 1956 Sinai campaign.

No less attention from the Israeli poster enjoyed a peaceful life. Many pages devoted to children: here is the poster with fifties playing outdoors children Hebrew inscription reads: "Summer". The same period is a colorful poster depicting the family, celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles Sukkot, or the feast of the harvest.

Exhibited here, of course, and the most utilitarian advertising: Ads with a soldier's dining room wall with a request to use a bottle opener, placard "Be healthy - drink malt beer! "The government's call in 1952 to feed the fish -" Every day, fresh, fresh from the sea! ".

Gallery collects not only posters. The stands of old newspapers on display, original letters of one of the founders of Zionism, Ze'ev Jabotinsky, rare books and postcards. There are some very interesting photos: wounded in the head, Ariel Sharon welcomed the soldiers who won the Yom Kippur War; Leonard Cohen performs in front of Israeli soldiers broke through the Suez Canal; General Moshe Dayan, shakes hands with Egyptian captivity.

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