Design Museum Holon
   Photo: Design Museum in Holon

Design Museum in Holon, southern satellite city of Tel Aviv, was opened recently in 2010. The museum building, designed by Israeli architect and industrial designer Ron Arad - one of the most unusual in the country.

Holon is mentioned in the Old Testament, in the Book of Joshua. By the thirties of the last century, however, at this point we were already only the coastal sand dunes. It was here in the mid-Jewish immigrants from Poland Lodz founded the textile factory, and Holon started to develop as the second after the Haifa industrial zone in the region. At the turn of the century the local municipality has made efforts to change the image of the working suburb: Holon is now positioned as the "city of children", the city of culture. Here each year are children's street carnival and the international fashion week, there is the Faculty of Design Institute of Technology.

Israel believes that the coming years will be one of design's most important export industries of a small country. Municipality of Holon, planning the establishment of the museum, invited to work on the project of the world-famous Ron Arad: the building was to be instantly recognizable landmark of the city, striking concept, symbolizing the importance of design in Israel.

Arad has created a building wrapped up five huge metal bands "desert" of colors - from sandy to dark purple. They resemble enormous and Mobius strip, naked and geological layers, familiar to anyone who has seen the Israeli desert. Inside this impressive installation has two spacious exhibition galleries, United hidden in one of the tapes pedestrian ramp.

The museum's collection is divided into four thematic sections: historical (projects created in Israel, since the thirties of the last century), modern (Israeli design after 2000), the exhibition of works created specially commissioned by the museum and the collection of the best theses of students of Israeli design -akademy.

There are presented and unique objects, and objects that were released in small editions: furniture, textiles, jewelry, shoes, elements of visual communication. The museum is constantly exhibitions. For example, the light installation of metal sheets, cotton fabrics and LED lamps demonstrated possibilities of modern lighting. The exposition of works of futurist and modernist artist Bruno Munari helps to understand the development of the ideas of one of the greatest designers of the XX century.

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