National Park "Ben Lomond"
   Photo: National Park "Ben Lomond"

Just 50 km from the national park Lansestona "Ben Lomond" - a huge plateau on top of the cliffs that rise above the plains of northeastern Tasmania. His name was in honor of the park mountain Ben Lomond in Scotland. In a park of 16 hectares of 5000 is the second highest peak of the island - Leddzhes Thor (1572 meters). The park was founded in 1947 as an important nesting place of birds, which inhabit 10 of the 13 endemic species of birds of Tasmania.

Today, "Ben Lomond" - is the main ski resort in Tasmania with modern apartments and equipment. A relatively small number of visitors scenic views and diverse wild world of the park are certainly an advantage. It is here that enormous rock, which is famous among climbers Tasmania. In summer, the plateau is covered with luxurious carpet of meadow flowers. Steep turns of the road, known as Jacob's ladder, and open it with breathtaking views make the way to the plateau completely independent adventure.

The most common inhabitants of the park are the wallabies and wombats, which can often be found in the ski village. In the southwestern part of the park live tree kangaroos, and in the river Upper Ford - echidna and platypus.

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