Compound St. Anthony
   Photo: St. Compound. Anthony

In the historic center of Tartu, in the quarter of St John's, located courtyard of St. Anthony, which runs the Guild of St. Anthony. This is where the real work experts in their field who love arts and crafts. By the farmstead are three buildings: pottery, house building and the guild masters.

St. Anthony Guild is an organization of professional artists, applied scientists, artists and craftsmen. In written sources Guild was first mentioned in 1449 as the Small Guild or the Guild of St. Anthony, which included urban artisans. Patron of the Tartu Small Guild was St. Anthony, is named after him and was called a union. Craft work is considered the main fisheries of local residents. Those masters, which were not part of the Guild did not have the right to practice their craft and sell their products in the city.

Today, the task of the Guild is to support and develop the Estonian arts and crafts. Master of the Guild of St. Anthony - a creative people who love their work, respecting the traditions and the ancient craft skills performed their products are made with the soul. Masters are working in three buildings monastery of St. Anthony. Previously all started working pottery. This was three years before the official revival of the Guild, ie 1996. Most shops located in the building crafts. In 1999 it was discovered carpet, stained glass and patchwork workshops. Then began the activity workshops for working with leather, textiles, porcelain and glass. In addition to these, the house masters are Furriery, art and design studios, as well as a workshop for the production of vintage costumes, dolls, hats.

Several dozens of artists and craftsmen make different products, including custom-made. There are a huge number of exciting and unique products: stained glass windows, author's ceramics, carpets, costumes, hats, dolls, handmade, pictures and much more. In the courtyard of a special creative cozy atmosphere. You can watch artists at work, ask questions, listen to fascinating stories.

In addition, in the courtyard of the Guild are often held various events in both summer and winter. It could be concerts, performances, weddings, gala dinners. Some of the activities have already become traditional. For example, in the early days of summer are here Podvorja St. Anthony Fair and Small Guild. During this period the restaurant turns into a hub of various activities - Fair, songs, dances, workshops. Autumn is celebrated on November 2 All Souls' Day. On this day, guests are waiting for the souls of living, the living, and those who have to live.

The founder of the pottery in 1996 steel glass artist Piret Veski, who graduated from the State Art Institute of the Estonian SSR, and ceramist Kaido Kask. Basically, in this workshop are made different mugs, vases, pitchers. There is quite a large variety of finished products, as well as to provide services of manufacturing products to order. Orders can be very different - from clay buttons to fireplaces and sculptures. Here you can participate in a workshop for the manufacture of ceramic products, in baked clay - terra cotta. One need only consider that the finished product requires long dry, so it will be possible to pick up only a week later.

The leather workshop can enjoy the magnificent Leather goods products, photo, copyright covers, purses, handbags, belts, bracelets. Also conducted workshops for the manufacture of leather jewelry, purses, frames, medallions, pendants, bracelets.

The carpet workshop masters make belts and skirts for folk costumes, woven wool blankets, curtains, rugs on the machines. We use natural materials: linen, wool, cotton. As in the other shops, you can take part in the master class: tablet weaving. The result of the master class will be the band made their own hands.

The patchwork workshop Guild of St. Anthony made items of clothing, home textiles: pillowcases, bedspreads, bags, raincoats. It hosts various workshops: workshop for making cervical ornaments in the patchwork technique, making patchwork dolls, panel, workshop for making silk purses in the style of medieval urban matrons.

In the art studio, you can buy paintings, participate in master classes, or simply visit the exhibition. You can also order a painting: portrait, paintings on the walls, etc.

In the workshop for the production of vintage costumes you can see the costumes of different eras, made from natural materials. In addition, you can order a similar suit in his wardrobe.

The doll workshop, which works since 2005, the magic puppet world where cats are placed, giraffes, angels, smiling dolls and other interesting characters. You can not only admire the toys, but and buy the product. And, of course, you can make a toy to participate in master classes on making toys and dolls in different techniques.

Millinery workshop, which began its work in 2005, offers a wide selection of hats for men, women and children. Wizard will make for you hats made of different materials: fur, leather, cloth. All hats are made craftsmen, ornaments are made of the same materials as the products themselves.

Furriers, or masters for the production of fur and leather products, in Estonia is not much. Typically, the knowledge and skills required for this type of craft, kept very secret. But here you are free to watch artists at work and even take part in master classes on making fur brooches. There is also a workshop for the production of fur with leather braided keychain and strap.

Stained company conducts its work in Tartu in 1993. The Guild studio moved in autumn 1999, creating another workshop - stained glass. Workshop offers its services for the production of stained-glass windows to order, with a glass wall clock dial and others. Product. You can also enroll in a master-class on making mini stained glass in the Tiffany technique or take part in a workshop on glassmaking, where you will be able to make glass pendants, jewelry or a medallion.

In the textile workshop, which opened in 2001, the author made fabrics and textiles to decorate rooms and tailoring. Pearl of the textile workshop are natural silk dresses, made in the technique of "painting on silk." Having participated in a workshop on silk painting, you do yourself a silk scarf in the art.

The forge, which opened recently - in the summer of 2010, you can get acquainted with the works of the master or buy them, you can ask questions to the master, you can buy metal products to order. There is also conducted training sessions and workshops.

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