Pushkinskaya Naberezhnaya
   Photo: Pushkinskaya Naberezhnaya

Pushkinskaya embankment in Taganrog - is one of the finest places in the city. It is established in the part of the natural coastline, which adjoins the north-east to the harbor, between the exchange and the descent of the yacht club. Quay was named in honor of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin visited travel in Taganrog in June 1820 on the city plan drawn up in 1808, Pushkinskaya Naberezhnaya labeled as East Quay, although at that time this quay did not even exist.

In 1827, the first work began on landscaping the promenade. But seriously engaged in this business only in 1835 Over 1500 meters was sprinkled on flat terrace there were stone slopes that prevent erosion of the new plot of land. Therefore, even in a strong wind embankment proved impregnable to the waves. In May 1843 all work on the improvement of the waterfront have been completed. On a city map, a new name - "Vorontsovskaya promenade" in honor of the Earl MS Vorontsov.

With the city its associated stone (Depaldovskaya) ladder and three runs. Initially, it had commercial value, it was used for the transport and storage of goods brought into the city. For the transportation of goods along the waterfront went horse-drawn highway. And only in 1873, it was built a railway line from the station to the port.

After a while cargo traffic dropped sufficiently, then the quay was used simply as a walking area. To the inhabitants it was convenient to walk, all the above-water part of the building was again renovated, so the city was beautiful and picturesque boulevard.

Since 1949 started reconstruction of the waterfront capital, during which has been covered with asphalt pavement, broken again Boulevard, installed benches for rest and curly support for lights. In 1986 it was decorated with a monument to Alexander Pushkin. The 300th anniversary of the city of Taganrog waterfront district was radically changed.

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