House-Museum of Tchaikovsky
   Photo: House-Museum of Tchaikovsky

Above you can see the waters of the Gulf of Taganrog brick mansion, reminiscent of their windows, pointed and serrated spire tower medieval castle. It is located on the street. Greek House-Museum Tchaikovsky. On the facade of the building there is a marble plaque with golden letters, tells us that stayed here three times, the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

House in 1871, was built by the order D.G.Kalinovskogo, Lieutenant Colonel Don troops in the West European romantic style by the architect Petrova. But, as often happened in those years, Kalinowski has lost yet unfinished house of cards to the merchant by the name of Sarandino. The merchant died soon after, and his inconsolable widow handed over the house to stay brother Pyotr Ilyich - the captain of the first rank Hippolyte Tchaikovsky from 1883 to 1894 years.

Thus, the house did not belong to the family of Tchaikovsky, but is renowned for being here three visits Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The first time it happened in 1886, when Peter Ilyich stopped at his brother on the way to the Caucasus. Since it was a family visit, Pyotr Ilyich no concerts in the city did not give, and just enjoyed socializing with relatives, boat trips, fresh herbs streets and the sea breeze. Interestingly, Tchaikovsky himself did not leave any memories of this visit. The second time the composer stayed here in 1888 for a short visit on the way from Vienna to Moscow, and the third - on the way back from the Caucasus, where he stayed with his brother Michael.

Until 1910 the new owner of the house was General zealous. In 1910, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Empire, he buys a house and places a higher primary school here which operated until the 1917 revolution. Later, the house was owned by the merchant SI Westermann until 1925, when it was nationalized. In Soviet times, there dwelt a lot of different agencies.

Only after a very long renovation in May 1976, in a building opened printed music Front Chekhov Library, and later - the Department of foreign literature, a concert hall, a room-museum of Tchaikovsky, who take visitors today. Externally, the building has preserved the original appearance.

Inside, the house-museum of Tchaikovsky a large collection of songbooks, scores of various operas, music books. There is a separate area, where everyone can, get headphones, listen to your favorite music, back in the era of musical genius.

The house is equipped with a cozy concert hall, there are regularly held so-called "musical Saturdays" - Piano Concerto performers Taganrog and visiting musicians. The program is very diverse music Saturdays, it is dedicated to the anniversaries of various composers, historical events of the musical life. In addition, regularly celebrated birthdays Tchaikovsky performance of his music, but after listening to great music visitors will have an unforgettable view from the attic of the museum and a lecture on the work of the great composer and his stay in Taganrog.

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