Tiflis gates
   Photo: Tiflis gates

Tiflis Gate (Arc de Triomphe) in Stavropol - one of the most famous monuments of the city, located at the beginning of Stavropol Boulevard. According to archival data, the arch construction was started in 1841. Its builder was well-known entrepreneur Mr. Tamamshev contractor, which, thanks to the work done was one of the first in the city, who was awarded the title of honorary citizen.

The construction of the gate coincided with the preparatory process for the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. Therefore, the main decoration of the celebration was precisely the Arc de Triomphe.

It is known that Tiflis gates served as the eastern gate of the city. But despite this, the arch is primarily served as a monument to the glory of Russian weapons.

The first work on the reconstruction of the arch were carried out in 1854. On the basis of preserved photographs arch was finished with bright stucco and a central portal decorated with two-sided icon of Christ the Savior. On the eve of the 150th anniversary of the Stavropol announced the Arc de Triomphe monument of antiquity to be protected. But in the second half of the 30s. Twentieth century, the arch was destroyed. By the 210th anniversary of the city design institute "Stavropolgrazhdanproekt" completed the project on improvement of the square named after Ordzhonikidze. The author of this project was the architect PI Oleksyuk.

In 1998, to the 221-year anniversary of the founding of the city thanks to donations from local residents and businesses of the regional center of Tiflis gates have been restored to their original locations. When used in the restoration of their old drawings. New gates were built of white stone travertine.

Today Tiflis Gate (Arc de Triomphe) - one of the most memorable and vivid symbols of Stavropol, which can not go unnoticed.

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