Green (Police) Bridge
   Photo: Green (Police) Bridge

The connecting link between the Central District of St. Petersburg and 2nd Admiralty and the Kazan Islands is Green Bridge across the Moika River, which is the object of cultural heritage of our country.

In 1710, on the left coast of the Neva River was built a new road. In our time, it is nothing like the Nevsky Prospekt. At the point of its intersection with the sink, in the 20s of the 18th century (approximately in 1717-1718 years) built a new wooden drawbridge. According to him from 1703 to 1726 years it was the border of St. Petersburg. Here the fare to visitors levied a tax. Near the bridge for the convenience of travelers and employees were built Mytnaya and Gostiny Dvor.

In the 30s of the 18th century the bridge painted green. Since then stuck behind him the title "Green." Around 1767-1769 GG due to a nearby Bridge Police Department began to call the Police.

During the October Revolution, the bridge was renamed Police in the spirit of the new age in the "People". This title he wore from 1918 to 1998.

Green Bridge repeatedly repaired, restored and rebuilt. In 1777, the bridge appeared stone supports, he became beamed, three-span. In the early 19th century (from 1806 to 1808 years) was designed by architect William Gest with the participation of FP De Volan, the site of the wooden bridge, which was demolished, it was under construction in St. Petersburg, the first iron bridge. As the basis of the design of the bridge was chosen, developed by Englishman Robert Fulton in 1795. Over the span of the new bridge appeared to block dialer gentle arch. In the walls of each of the blocks have openings for connecting screws. At the base of the bridge supports have been installed pile gratings. Railing of the bridge were cast. Ornament served obelisks of granite stone with gilded tops. Sidewalk paved with granite slabs. From the roadway pedestrian fence is removed from the granite stones and metal rods.

Cast iron rain has allowed to give a sophisticated and refined look arch. Most visually it seemed much easier granite counterparts. His appearance was the delicate and weightless.

Green Bridge project was so economical effect and that later it was used as a sample. It was the world's first model project of the metal bridge.

In the middle of the 19th century Bridge Police have not cope with the increased flow of riders and pedestrians. And because there was a need for its expansion. During the reconstruction of the pedestrian zone carried on the metal side of the console. Rather than cast grids established solid granite fence. Granite obelisk was dismantled and installed in their place of cast iron lampposts, made on the design engineer A. Gotman.

In 1844, the Police Bridge covered asphalt cubes. It was the first in the Russian Empire asphalt pavement.

When in 1904-1907, work began on laying tram lines on the Nevsky Prospekt, the need to increase the width of the bridge again. This renovation project was designed by architect LA Ilyin. On the sides of the bridge were installed 10 rows box arches and expanded support. The facade is decorated with gilded ornamentation details. Lampposts replaced by a more durable and practical - iron. The project is implemented engineers AL Stan, VA Bers, AP Pshenitsky.

In 1938, a tramway was laid roofing, paved roads and sidewalks. In 1962-1967 the last renovation of chandeliers and lamps on the bridge.

Green Bridge is located at the intersection of historical routes of the city. Through it passes Nevsky Prospekt, near the house Kotomina where in 1800-1840 GG was confectionery Wolf and Beranger institution in which to duel stopped by AS Pushkin. Opposite this building was the house of Chicherin. It has long been cinema "Barricade", which worked even during the blockade. This is one of the oldest buildings on Nevsky. In 2006, it was announced that its reconstruction, but a year later it was found out that the house was almost completely destroyed. Not far from the bridge located Stroganov Palace, the palace Razumovsky, apartment building and assembly hall Ruadze, the building of the General Staff.

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