White Bridge
   Photo: The White Bridge

A true symbol of the resort Spindleruv Mlyn is a small openwork bridge over the Elbe river, which is called White because of his color. Now he is completely pedestrian, and once on it to move and transport, which in the XIX century was introduced carts and horse drawn carriage.

Before the advent of this iconic and recognizable design of reinforced concrete in the city already had a wooden bridge. It was built in 1829. To this point in the stormy river is not damaged its foundations, its efforts by special post, which established the right of the center of the building. Such precautions help for some time to avoid the destruction of the bridge. He stood for a record amount of time, and only 29 June 1897 has been taken down by the river, over the banks. At the same time the bridge was destroyed bridge on Berdzhihov, blacksmith shop, sawmill, paper mill, several outbuildings and a road to Varhlabi. Almost the entire city was destroyed. The locals enthusiastically set about restoring the city. In the years 1899-1913 within the channel of the Elbe Spindleruv Mlyn was changed, and the city authorities have decided to allocate funds for the rehabilitation of the bridge over the river.

In 1911 it was built reinforced concrete structure consisting of several arches. The bridge is not high, it rises over the water column for a few meters. Bridge modest dimensions: it reaches a length of 27, 6 meters and the width - 4, 84 m.

The bridge was built as a temporary structure, but gradually became an integral part of the city.

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