Main Synagogue
   Photo: Main Synagogue

Home Slonim synagogue was built in 1642 at the expense of the local Jewish community. As you can see by looking at this magnificent building and the remains of magnificent frescoes inside the community once flourished.

Like most churches Slonim, whose original name was Uslon, ie, a barrier, a synagogue was built as a defensive structure, able to withstand a serious siege. Unfortunately, even the most powerful wall are not able to hold back the victorious Napoleon's army. The synagogue was destroyed and looted. Restored synagogue was only in the middle of the XIX century. At that time, the Jewish community was the largest of Slonim in Belarus. In the XIX century the city was 21 synagogue.

Repeatedly plundered and destroyed the synagogue was at the time of the Nazi invasion. As you know, the Jews were the first enemy of the Nazis. The ancient building bears traces of someone else's unfounded hatred. But after the war, the synagogue is not going to recover. The Soviet authorities also did not like the Jews and adapted comfortable roomy building a warehouse.

Only in 2000, when the building began to crumble, the Jewish community was able to achieve the transfer of the synagogue. However, funds for restoration, obviously, the community is not enough, and the government is in no hurry to allocate money for the restoration of their cultural heritage. Money was only enough for the preservation of the building. And so it is, decaying, ancient building of the XVII century, was built in the Baroque style, which would be the hallmark of Slonim. Beside him he was already formed spontaneous market, full of life, and inside is empty and hollow.

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