Temple of Apollo
   Photo: Temple of Apollo

In the south of the peninsula of Side, in a picturesque area on the waterfront, we were once built two temples. One of them, east, was a temple of worship to Apollo and Artemis devoted to Western. These gods were considered the main city of the gods. Apollo personified the Sun, and his twin sister Artemis - the moon.

In Greek mythology, Apollo represented the golden-haired well-built young man. He is always with him was a silver bow and golden arrows. Patron of Arts and Sciences, roads, travelers and sailors, god healer, leader and protector of the Muses, Apollo was considered a predictor of the future. In addition, he was able to clear the people who committed the murder.

The base of the temple in the name of the god of light, beauty and art of Apollo is a rectangle, the length and width of which are, respectively, 30 and 17 meters. The church had previously been six rows of columns, eleven in a row. The height of the columns reached 8, 9 meters, and railings were made in the Corinthian style. Unfortunately, today, survived only a few columns, but they were restored and re-installed.

The Temple of Apollo was built of white marble in the second century BC. Nowadays, it still attracts tourists from different corners of the planet with its grandeur and beauty. Particularly interesting it is for professional photographers who want to capture the marble columns. Experienced travelers would recommend to inspect the temple of Apollo at sunset, when the gentle rays of the sun playing on his old stones. At night the temple gracefully illuminated illumination. According to legend, the temple of Apollo symbolized love the great Roman general Antony to the Egyptian queen Cleopatra and beauty.

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