The ensemble of the churches in the village Vassilyevskoe
   Photo: Ensemble of churches in the village Vassilyevskoe

The ensemble of churches in Vasilyevsky for many tourists is of particular interest. It is located in the central part of the village and is now subject to a large restoration work, including the Temple of the Holy Trinity, the church of Our Lady of the Georgian and Nicholas, built in the period between the 18-19 centuries. Which is part of the bell tower is one of the highest across the Ivanovo region.

Even in the 17th century in these places there was a temple of the Archangel Michael. The first temple built of stone, was the Church of St. Nicholas, built in 1758. After some time, the church was built, consecrated in honor of Our Lady of Georgia. At the end of 1802, Peter Korsakov - Prince Trubetskoy architect, decided to build a five-story bell tower and an extended fence. In all corners of the fence they were placed a small turret, equipped with extensions archive and almshouses. In 1828, when the icon painter Timothy Medvedev took painting Trinity Church.

In the first half of the 19th century, the complex was added to the church of St. Nicholas. At the end of 1767 Catherine II visited the city of Vladimir, with its particularly disappointed strong neglect of the Assumption Cathedral, and she decided to restore the temple. Cathedral iconostasis was very dilapidated, while it consisted of old icons painted in the early 15th century Andrei Rublev brush. In 1768 the iconostasis was purchased by residents of the village Vassilyevskoe, after which he was placed in novovystroennom Trinity Church.

In early 1918 vintage masterpieces were discovered scientists I. Grabar and taken to the capital for research and consultation. Soon, the village had taken all the other 26 icons, the two icons just disappeared or got lost in the surrounding areas of Vasilyevsky village. To date, several icons Basil rank located at the Russian Museum, and all the rest are in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Trinity Church is sustained in the strict proportions of the temple of the 17th century, although some classical architectural details have appeared only in the late 18th century, after the effects of the fire have been eliminated. New elements covered some original furniture, for which reason the Church does not look as a model of his time.

As for glue painting, it was made painter Mikhail Medvedev .  The painting appeared in 1828 - it says made on the eastern side of the north-western pillar inscription .  In the early 20th century, the painting has been updated with the help of oil on the lower tier of the pillars and walls .  Some of it disappeared without a trace: in the quadrangle, arches gods chief administrations .  This painting has become a true monument of Palekh-Shumsky circle within which combines a variety of stylistic directions, for example, grizalnom decor can easily see the features of classicism, and in the composite imaging scene and location of figures strong influence of the Baroque style .  Basically, the dome is visible "New Testament Trinity" at the bottom of the arches are located in medallions prophets, and evangelists are depicted in the sails .  The arched shelygah painted scenes of the Old Testament and in the vaults of the spatial cross painted "The Passion of Christ" and some other Old Testament scenes .  On the east side there are paintings "Agony in the Garden", "Transformation", on the southern wall - "The Last Supper" .  On the first floor bells are still preserved small fragments of a song entitled "The Last Judgement" .

As the winter church is the church of St. Nicholas, built in the first half of the 19th century in the late classicism style with a small volume expansion. Temple low, but somewhat higher than usual for data sizes of buildings.

Shrine of Our Lady of Georgia presented a tall slender church, built in the tradition of the 18th century. On the roof of the main volume, there are the remains of painting in oils. Above the main volume of today are the remains of painting.

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