Spaso-Bethany Convent
   Photo: Spaso-Bethany Convent

If you drive four kilometers east of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, on the outskirts of Sergiyev Posad find the Saviour Monastery of Bethany. It was organized by the archbishop and rector of Holy Trinity Monastery by Plato in 1783. Initially, like the monastery, there was a hermitage for monks who want to retire and the deceased brethren of the Lavra. The name of this monastery was named after the town of Bethany, where once Jesus revived Lazarus to give people the belief that he was the son of God who came to earth.

During the four years it was built a rectangular cloister, extending from east to west .  Prospect, connecting the holy gates of the east with shopping in the west, leading to the main temple of the monastery - the Transfiguration Cathedral with buildings of the two fraternal parties .  Another two such buildings are located near the front gate .  Plato chose for his quarters south side of the monastery and placed next to chapel, and the northern part gave kelyam guest .  The buildings are conceived with a stone ground floor and the wooden top .  Brotherly cemetery occupied the entire eastern half of the monastery, and is located stables .  Fence, limited to the territory of the monastery Spaso-Bethany, was low with an equally low turrets at the corners .  This project is all the time he was in charge of the Archbishop Platon .  He tried to get into all the complexities involved in the construction .  The architect was chosen . FROM .  Yakovlev together with H . M .  Odoyevtseva and tinkering with Lavra .  Boldyrev .  In the year of completion of construction (1787), Archimandrite Platon was elevated to the rank of metropolitan . 

Oval Transfiguration Cathedral had a two-tiered altar, in the form of Mount Tabor. At the foot of her throne in the cave is arranged lower church, and on top - the throne of the upper church. Evangelical mountain if strewn with moss and decorated with figures of animals and flowers. Cathedral from 1786 was the keeper of the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh. The coffin with the relic was placed in the lower church.

Catherine II greatly favored Metropolitan Plato and regret, when the priest filed a petition for dismissal of the diocese. 1792 Plato lived in the monastery he created, and only occasionally traveled to Moscow. After visiting Bethany monastery by Emperor Paul in 1797, it was established at Bethany Theological Seminary, and the monastery acquired a second-class status. Seminar built a separate building, and in 1800 the day of the Transfiguration of its solemn opening. Metropolitan Platon happy plunged into teaching. He died a priest in his monastery in November 1812 after fleeing the French from Moscow and was buried here.

In the XIX century the monastery Spaso-Bethany grows and develops. Expanding Theological Seminary, increase fraternal body. In 1860, near the quarters of Plato begins building a large two-storey five-domed church with five Dukhovskoy throne. In 1876 over Holy Gates appears updated a bell tower in the spirit of the Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit. Both new buildings were above the Transfiguration Cathedral. In connection with the extension of the brotherly cemetery fence and had to be carried for 12 yards.

The Soviet authorities at the time of redeemed life in the Holy Bethany monastery. Before 1925, the monastery was called selhozarteli, but it did not save him. At first, the building was given to the children's home, and in 1930 became known as the land of the monastery Ptitsegradom for posting here Poultry Processing. The appearance of the monastery, too, began to change. Buildings consistently understood. Gone Transfiguration Cathedral, the Holy Gates with the belfry. Dukhovskaya church has lost its head. Only since 1998, after the return remains of the Monastery of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the restoration of the Saviour Bethany monastery. Currently restored the fence with the front gate and belfry, Cathedral of the Transfiguration Mount Tabor in the interior, renovated Dukhovskaya church and seminary building, restored cell Metropolitan Plato - the founder of the monastery. But while the monastery doors closed to visitors.

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