Abbey and Palace Scoon Scoon
   Photo: Abbey and Palace Scoon Scoon

Abbey Scoon located near the city of Perth in Scotland. It was founded by Augustinian monks at the beginning of the XII century, according to different sources, between 1114 and 1122 years.

In the reign of King Malcolm IV Abbey value increases. It acquires the status of a royal. It contains the coronation stone of Scottish kings (Stone of Scone), it becomes one of the major royal residences. There are also relics of St Fergus, which attracts many pilgrims to the abbey. The few surviving images and archaeological evidence suggests that the abbey was built in the Romanesque style, with a central tower crowned by a spire.

But over time, the abbey loses its importance, especially after the English King Edward I brought the Stone of Destiny to England in Westminster Abbey. After the Scottish Reformation the abbey in Scotland generally abolished. Abbey of Scone was destroyed in 1559, and then transferred his land to private ownership. At the site of the ruined abbey in the XVI century, the palace was built, which in 1808 was almost completely rebuilt and is now a magnificent example of architecture of Georgian style.

Now the palace and palace gardens open to the public. The state rooms of the palace are exhibited fine collections of furniture, ceramics, ivory carving, Dresden and Sevres porcelain. On a hill in the park installed a copy of the stone of Scone.

There are many legends about the origin of the stone of Scone .  Some described it as "Jacob's Pillow" - asleep on this rock, Jacob dreamed of a ladder to heaven .  There is a tradition that the stone brought to Ireland Egyptian princess Scott .  The most reliable is believed that Fergus, the first king of Scotland, brought a stone, and perhaps the throne, from Ireland to Scotland .  On this stone crowned all the rulers of Scotland, while in 1296 the English King Edward I not brought the stone to London and placed at the base of the wooden throne .  The throne was in Westminster Abbey, and since then it all crowned kings of England and Great Britain .  However, there is a legend that the monks drowned real Stone of Destiny in the river Tay and Edward brought to England a copy .  Although under the terms of the treaty of Northampton 1328 Stone of Destiny was to be returned to Scotland, he returned there only many centuries later .  On the day of St. Andrew, November 30, 1996 the stone was ceremoniously brought to Scotland and placed in Edinburgh Castle with the Scottish Crown Jewels .  The Queen's representative in this triumph was her son Prince Andrew . 

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