Rostov Zoo
   Photo: Rostov Zoo

Rostov Zoo is one of the main attractions of the city and is one of the largest zoos in Russia. The zoo was established in June 1927 based on the corner of the living School. C.Bydёnnogo. In 1929, the school Collection of animals was moved to the outskirts of the city, where for these purposes has been allocated across several suburban areas. After a year in the Rostov zoo has several exotic animals - monkeys, lion, leopard, elephant, llama, puma, tiger, parrots, ostriches, sea lions, a crocodile and python. All these animals were confiscated from a private menagerie Filatova, while on tour in the city.

Rostov Zoo became a party of about 37 programs for the conservation of endangered and rare species. At the zoo saved oaks age more than 150 years, poplar, linden, pine, and there are four artificial reservoir, which creates a very favorable climate for the animals.

Today in the Rostov zoo is home to over five thousand. Animals that are more than 400 species. It contains Asian elephants, lions, pygmy hippopotamus, giraffes, tigers, a group of hoofed animals, rare animals of the Caucasus, for example, bezoar goat, Dagestan goat, and apes. Many animals listed in the Red Book of the IUCN, Russia and the Rostov region.

The zoo of Rostov-on-Don is one of the leading places in Europe for the removal of white-tailed eagles. Also, the zoo is a great success in breeding Siamese crocodiles, crowned and red-crowned cranes, Bennett kangaroos, flamingos and many other species of predatory animals. In addition, in the Rostov zoo there is a section of the aquarium with a variety of representatives of the underwater world. The cage contains crocodiles from Southeast Asia, snake of Central Asia, America, Africa, turtles and a variety of many other exotic reptiles.

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