Roman forum
   Photo: Roman Forum

At the end of the republican period, Roman Forum no longer meet the requirements of the socio-political life of the city. Forum has been updated, the basilica and built the building where the trials took place. Emperors constantly update old buildings and erect new temples and monuments.

Curia building, which hosted the meeting of the Roman Senate, were laid by Julius Caesar in the 40s BC The building was repeatedly burned, and in 630 Honorius I converted it into a church Sv.Adriana, which was also destroyed. Curia - rectangular building with four huge pillars at the corners, performing the role of buttresses and walking along one axis with facades. On the side of the main facade is a door and three large windows opening to illuminate the room. The roof is made of wood.

Temple of Antoninus and Faustina goes to the Via Sacra. The temple, built in 141 year, came to us in a state of well-preserved thanks to the fact that in the early Middle Ages in its structure was built the church of San Lorenzo in Miranda. Currently, the temple is a staircase with brick altar in the middle. Pronaos that precedes the entrance to the temple, formed by Corinthian columns of marble with veins - six on the facade and two side. Some of the columns are engraved images of deities; on the frieze - Griffins and floral motifs.

Many ancient sources provide a variety of information on the Via Sacra, but its original route is still not established, moreover, it has undergone major changes in connection with the development of urban development. There are also many versions of interpreting the name of "Sacred". For Varro explains it by the fact that this road was a religious procession; Festa permits such an interpretation, but it adds to the mythological episode, which tells about the conclusion of the sacred union between Romulus and Titus Tatsiem, which allegedly happened here. In all likelihood, this name due to the fact that along the road has many ancient places of worship and buildings.

Three massive barrel vault - it is all that remains of the huge Basilica of Constantine and Maxentius. Like other basilica of the Forum, it was used for conducting trials and commercial cases.

Arch of Septimius Severus was built in 203 in honor of the decade of the reign of Emperor Septimius Severus. Arch of Titus was built by the Emperor Domitian in 81 to commemorate the looting of Jerusalem by his father Vespasian and Titus my brother for 13 years before that.

In the House of the Vestal Virgins lived priestesses of Vesta. This huge complex of 50 rooms was once connected to the temple of Vesta, located nearby. The temple priestesses kept the fire, which was the symbol of eternal city.

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