Forum of Trajan
   Photo: Forum of Trajan

This magnificent monument to the monumental architecture of the era of the reign of Emperor Trajan built his architect Apollodorus of Damascus. The Forum was built in the years 106-113 BC government subsidies, which grew as a result of a victorious war against the Dacians which ended a few years earlier. Dimensions offline daunting: 300 meters long and 185 meters wide. To build the Forum of Trajan, it was necessary to cut off the top of the Quirinal hill and Apollodorus Damascus coped brilliantly with this task.

Dedication of Trajan's Column was held in 113 AD; its overall height is almost 40 meters. At the top was a statue of Trajan, was lost in the moment. In 1587, Pope Sixtus V ordered to replace it with a statue of St. Peter. Column of Trajan is the tombstone: door opening in the base of the column, leading to the hall, where is placed the urn with the ashes of the emperor. Scape continuous frieze encircles the spiral length of 200 meters and a height of about 1 meter - a documentary about the two victorious battles against the Dacian Trajan in 101-102 and 105-106 years BC.

Trajan's Market is a huge brick semicircle. The ground floor shops are opened; bench top floor adjacent to a rock in the place where the cut was made hill. The third tier of the ensemble includes a road that climbs steeply up. Still a lot of shops, offices, portable counters and basil complement the architectural ensemble consisting of six floors.

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