Pskov Kremlin
   Photo Pskov Kremlin

The Kremlin, or Chrome is a historical and architectural center of Pskov, the core of the Pskov fortress. It is located on a high and narrow promontory where the river flows into the river Pskov Great.

The first settlements date back to the mound in the middle of I millennium. In X-XII centuries were erected earthen and maybe stone fortifications, and the Trinity Cathedral of wood. In the period from the beginning of the XIV to XVI centuries, when there was a republic Pskov Kremlin, the Cathedral, the stands and the Veche Kromskom area was a spiritual, legal and administrative center of Pskov land.

Up to the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the value of the Kremlin as a military fortress of Pskov was huge. Pskov were successfully recorded numerous attacks of the Livonian Knights, the troops of the Polish king Stefan Batory, detachments of Swedes, Germans, Lithuanians. The fortress walls thickened (2, 5-6 meters) and grew in height (6-8 meters). In 1537 at the mouth of the river Pskov lower grille were built of wood that covered the river bed. In 1701, while preparing for war with the Swedes, the Emperor Peter I ordered to strengthen and modernize the fortress of Pskov.

In 1721, Russia's western borders were moved to the city. Facilities fortress of the Kremlin and the entire city are dilapidated and quickly began to crumble. In 1787, Pskov was excluded from the list of existing strongholds. From that time until 1950, when work began on the restoration of the Kremlin (1952), he gradually destroyed.

In 1933, in the Kremlin's Cathedral of the Annunciation it was blown up, and after 6 years at the Trinity Cathedral was the opening of an atheistic museum with the Foucault pendulum. During the Second World War, the Kremlin is hardly affected.

Now the Kremlin is an area of ​​3 hectares. Precinct by walls of stone from the navigating sites. The Kremlin architectural complex includes the following facilities: Dovmont Town (VIII-XVII century), "Percy" (or Dovmont Wall) - the front wall of Krom (1393-1424 years), eastern and western walls (XIV-XV century and the XVII century) Dhahab, Trinity Cathedral (1682-1699 years), the bell tower (XIX century), Decrees chambers, (1692-1695, 1701 years), the house of the clergy, the powder magazine and a guest house. In addition, the fortress includes the tower: Vlasyevsky, Rybnik, Trinity (hours), Central, tower Kutekroma, flat and Dovmont (stinks).

The heart of the Kremlin is a majestic five-domed Holy Trinity Cathedral. In ancient times it was identified with the Pskov, which was called in the annals of the House of the Holy Trinity. Modern Trinity Cathedral is the fourth in a row at this point. The first temple was built in the middle of the X century, the great Russian Princess Olga. This wooden building is considered the first cathedral in Russia, which was consecrated in the name of the Holy Trinity. In the XII century, by decree of I Pskov Prince Vsevolod-Gabriel, in its place was built a stone church. Third Cathedral, dating from the XIV century, was the most remarkable, as was instrumental in the development of local zodcheskoy tradition.

Today's Trinity Cathedral was built in 1699 in the all-Russian tradition. Under its roof is 6 church altars, and podtserkove - the tomb of the Pskov bishops and princes. Cathedral impresses with its beauty, pomp, grandeur, aspiration upwards. The pride of Russian art of the XVII century - 7 miyarusny iconostasis of the cathedral. By the most revered shrines of the temple are miracle-working icons, reliquary Pskov saints and Holguin cross.

Pskov Kremlin - a unique place. Here in the gentle silence of the cathedral are buried relics in a harmonious ensemble of buildings blend of different years and styles. After visiting the Kremlin, you will feel the great and heroic history of Russia.

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