Village Mare's mound
   Photo: Village Mare's mound

Village Mare's settlement, located 50 kilometers from the district town of Gdov, which is in the Pskov region has a storied history. Mare - a small creek on the south-western section of Gdov district. This river flows into Lake Peipus, which is located south of the bile. The name of the village was just from the river Mares and ancient fortifications, the site of which is the village.

Create mare town was due to the struggle between the people of Pskov and Livonians, which began in the 14th century because of the fishing places. In the annals of this place is called "offensive" or objectionable, if you say different. In 1461 five-year agreement was concluded between the Livonian Order and the people of Pskov that at this place Pskov undertake to engage in fishing on the shore with his hand, and Livonians, in turn, with his. However, in the 13th - 15th century, the river mouth Bile pose to Pskov not only economic, but also of strategic importance: nearby "offensive" space crossed unimportant military road leading to Pskov.

To consolidate its influence in the region, at the disputed site in 1462 laid the city of Pskov, which was named Mare .  The construction of the city attended by 60 artists .  The city has a trapezoidal shape .  On the south side of the wooden wall of a small town covered ditch on the east side - swale, north walls were covered ravine river of bile, the western part adjacent to Lake Peipsi .  Construction of the town worried Livonian Order .  Transgressed the terms of the contract, the German crusaders in the spring, or rather, in March 1463, close to the mare and began to fire from guns .  Defenders of the city helped Pskov, which forced to retreat Livonians .  However, in winter 1480 Livonian troops launched an offensive on all borders of the Pskov land, and in March was surrounded Mare .  After the cannon fire of the city, they stoned him with flaming arrows, the walls were set on fire .  Fortress burnt and captured defenders .  So Mare fortress ceased to exist .  But the suburbs remained the center of the county Kobylskogo . 

The village is preserved church of the Archangel Michael, built in the time based new Gorodets. The temple is a building typical of the Pskov architecture. In 1854 the church was extended, and a bell-tower. Preserved temple of Archangel Michael, reminiscent of the past. Today, this complex is an excellent reference point for anglers Peipsi. But the main historic moment in the life of the village Mare's settlement is that it was here, in April 1242 there was the famous Battle of the Ice. In addition, the island is situated opposite the village of Raven, on the island once stood Crow Stone, who is also a witness to this battle. Then the Russian army under the command of Alexander Nevsky defeated the Livonian army, and thereby saved the Northwest Russia from foreign invaders.

In honor of the 750th anniversary of the battle in 1992 in the village of Mare's settlement, was a monument to the Prince of Novgorod Alexander Nevsky. What is remarkable monument built on folk remedies. Later set worship the cross in memory of the heroic battle. Although seven centuries Lake Chud suffered changes and left a lot of mysteries, of course, one thing - his legendary glorious history and in the history of this famous place reflects the glorious past of the Pskov land.

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