City Museum
   Photo: City Museum

Museum in Podgorica since 1950 offers everyone to get acquainted with the life of both the city and the whole of Montenegro, covering temporary space from ancient times to the present day.

The museum's exhibits are divided into four exhibitions, depending on the topic, which they affect: historical, cultural, historical, archaeological and ethnographic. In the museum you can see the ancient archival documents, photographs, household items and other materials. All of them are the pride of Montenegro, as good evidence of changing peoples and eras.

As the exhibits in the museum features pottery, some of which dated III century BC, and archaeological remains of the Illyrian period and Roman eras.

Numerous icons, manuscripts, printed books of Muslims and Christians, jewelry and objects of everyday life - that is the period from the XVI to the XX century. All these items are exhibited in the museum, is fixed by the fact that Montenegro has always existed interweaving of three different religions: Christianity, Islam and Catholicism.

In addition, among the ethnographic exhibition of museum exhibits can be seen jewelry, pottery, weapons and costumes - all these things reflect the life and culture of Montenegro in the period from XVIII to XX century. On the ground floor of the museum are two exhibitions in which the works of modern Montenegrin artists.

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