San Miniato
   Photo: San Miniato

San Miniato - a small town situated along the road of Via Francigena, which in the Middle Ages between Rome and Europe. The convenient geographical location in the heart of the Arno Valley at the intersection of highways leading to Florence, Pisa, Lucca and Siena, has always attracted him in power. It liked to visit Emperor Frederick II of Swabia and Popes Gregory V and Eugene IV. Here, in 1533, the great Michelangelo met Pope Clement VII, who commissioned the artist to work on the Sistine Chapel.

According to archaeologists, in ancient times the territory of present San Miniato was inhabited by the Etruscans and later the Romans, - talking about it discovered the ruins of the necropolis of the 3rd century BC Fontevivo in the town and the ruins of a Roman villa in Antonini. Artifacts from these ruins are exhibited today at the City Museum.

San Miniato began to play an important role during the reign of Emperor Frederick II Barbarossa - then in this town housed the residence of the imperial delegates in Tuscany. In the Middle Ages it was even called San Miniato al Tedesco - German San Miniato. Later, it was here the diocese. The construction of the Seminary, released its frescoed facade, and restoration of the Episcopal Palace, located in Cathedral Square, were also made at that time.

Centuries of history have left San Miniato numerous artistic and architectural value, which is now admired by tourists. On a hill above the city is a charming square Prato del Duomo framed by one of the oldest and famous buildings of San Miniato, including the Palazzo Comunale, Bishop's Palace, Palazzo dei Vicari the 14th century Cathedral.

In the historic center of town is an interesting museum complex, which consists of eight exhibition centers, you can see that on a single ticket. Be sure to look at and Rocca Federichiana - tower, built in 1217-1223, respectively, and named in honor of the Emperor Frederick II. It stands on a hilltop and is part of an ancient fortress of San Miniato. From there, a beautiful view of the city, the valley of the Arno River, the hills of Volterra, and on clear days - and on the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Among the other attractions of the city can be called the Oratory Loretino, Episcopal Museum of Religious Art and the Archaeological Museum.

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