Piazza dei Cavalieri
   Photo: Piazza dei Cavalieri

Piazza dei Cavalieri - Knight's Square - one of the main attractions of Pisa, and the second most important area of ​​the city. In medieval Pisa it was the center of political life, and in the 16th century, it housed the residence of the knight of the Order of St. Stephen Martyr. Today, it is a kind of educational center of the city, because there is the main building of the Higher Normal School in Pisa - State Centre of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

Piazza dei Cavalieri is situated on the site of the ancient Portus Pizanusa Forum - Leaning harbor in Roman times. The area, known as the area of ​​seven roads was the political center of the city, where the inhabitants of Pisa discussed their problems and celebrate. From 1140 it became the center of the commune of Pisa - were built houses and churches belonging to various rulers. In 1254 the square was erected the Palazzo del Popolo e degli Antsiani - Palace of the people and elders. The southern part of the area occupied by offices, the courts and the residence of the Podestà - Mayor. Here once stood the church of San Sebastiano alle Fabbrike Maggiore, demolished on the orders of the Vasari.

It is on the Piazza dei Cavalieri in 1406 Envoy of Florence announced the end of the independent existence of the Commune of Pisa. After the conquest of Pisa in the Palazzo del Popolo e degli Antsiani placed priors of Florence and the Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo - the head of the prison. Later, in 1558, Giorgio Vasari, a famous architect of the Grand Duke Cosimo I de 'Medici, an area rebuilt in the Renaissance style. He designed one-of-Pisa Renaissance church of Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri, but other architects built it. Today, it stores the Turkish banners captured by the Knights of St. Stephen in the sea battle of Lepanto in 1571.

The main building of the square is the Palazzo della Karovana - Palace of the Knights and the former Palace of the Elders, which now houses the Ecole Normale Superieure of Pisa. Its facade is decorated with sgraffito fantastic - a special technique of creating murals and six niches with busts of Grand Duke of Tuscany. Front of the palace stands a huge statue of Cosimo I de 'Medici by Pietro Francavilla, who was also the designer of the Palazzo dei Priori in 1603. In another corner of the square you can see Palazzo del dell'Orologio.

Additional area attractions include Piazza dei Cavalieri can be called the Palazzo del Collegio Puteano and the Palazzo del Consiglio dei Dodik, the Church of St. Roch, a canon and the Torre Muda.

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