The tourist center Soroa - truly a paradise, which is considered a national treasure of the Republic . In the eastern part of the mountain range Sierra del Rosario, Pinar del Rio in 1943 in a small village Soroa a wealthy Spaniard decided to break a beautiful garden . To his beloved daughter, he gathered a rare collection of flowers and plants . A fertile soil, abundance of water, mild climate and humidity from the mountains allowed him to realize his dream . Today on the territory of experimental horticulture stations grows only 4000 species of orchids . It is the world's second-largest greenhouse of rare exotic flowers, which is second only to the size of the conservatory in Boston . Collection of flowers has about 25,000 orchid, originally from the remotest corners of the globe . Among them, a hundred species of orchids Cuban origin . The most famous of them - the Black Orchid and Chocolate Orchid . In addition to the tropical beauties on a small area of the garden grow magnolia, rose, philodendron, palm trees, exotic ferns from around the world . Rich and fauna of the area Soroa, especially a lot of songbirds, hummingbirds and nightingales . Unique landscapes, the stunning beauty of the garden conservatory attracts amateurs and professionals Floristry .
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